Drain field maintenance additives

Image of drain field maintenance.

This article will discuss drain field maintenance additive and the effects on septic systems. Life is indeed smothered with tough choices. Whether it’s the school for your child to attend, the breed of dog you’re going to have, the job you want to accept, the diet you have to stick to, or what age you have to be married. All these things have to be decided upon by you. Maybe … Read more

Raised mound bacteria shock treatment

Image of a raised mound bacteria shock treatment.

This article will cover the age old question on how raised mound bacteria shock treatments work, you’re not stranded in some island and it’s not a dream. Dismay filled you as you look at your yard filled with wet spots with your raised mound towering over it. It didn’t seem real. You’re a very responsible homeowner and worked well with your septic expert with every pump out session and every … Read more

Drain field not taking or holding water

Image of a drain field not taking or holding water.

This article briefly discusses the issue of a drain field not taking or holding water. Walking everyday to and from school helps you maintain your weight and also gives you time to appreciate your neighborhood. You are one of the privileged students that live within the vicinity of your school. It the area you lived in was an old neighborhood and was established about the same time as the school … Read more

How to locate your raised mound

This article will briefly discuss how to locate your raised mound septic system. It was a very lazy Sunday afternoon. You didn’t feel like moving from your lounge chair even if you knew that you were starting to get hungry, you still didn’t want to leave your chair. But slowly, the delicious aroma of freshly baked egg pie drifted to where you were. You just couldn’t resist it. You had … Read more

Septic system not taking or holding water

Image of septic system not taking or holding water.

Septic system not taking or holding water is one of the biggest problems a home owner cab have. When you and your children ran across the yard to escape the heavy rains, all you wanted to do was get out of your wet clothes. It was an unexpected outpour. When you left a few hours ago, it was bright and sunny. After the movie you watched, it rained hard. An … Read more

Lateral line treatments

Image of a lateral line receiving treatments.

One of the most important components of your property is the septic system. This article will cover septic systems and the lateral lines treatments that are required for the proper maintenance of the septic system. Some may have always taken it for granted but you always knew that it deserves to be treated with utmost care. Proper maintenance is one of the best ways to show that you care for … Read more

What is a cesspit system?

This article will cover a commonly asked question of what is a cesspit system and how do they work? When people refer the cesspit system, they usually think of it as taboo in so many ways. Well, it is pretty off-putting because it is usually related to the wastes that you household produces. But what is a cesspit system? How did it evolve into what is see now as an … Read more

What is a drain field system?

Image of a drain field system.

This article will answer a few questions on what is a drain system and how they work. You definitely need to know that there certain components that are vital for the septic system to function, especially when you’re not that familiar with it. One main component is the drain field system. What is a drain field system? The drain field is also known as the leach field. It is a … Read more

Brown grass over raised mound

Image of brown grass over a raised mound.

This article will cover brown grass over raised mound. Centuries have gone by. Man has searched for and tried very hard at achieving perfection. Through the years, innovations have led him to his goal a bit closer at every attempt. As a result, many of man’s inventions and discoveries are now even more useful. One example is the typical mobile phone. Decades ago, no one would have ever known that … Read more

Why is my cesspool flooded?

Image of a flooded cesspool.

Why is my cesspool flooded? People call in and ask why is my cesspool flooded? This is the topic of this article. We will discuss cesspools and what can cause a cesspool to fail and some of the remedies available for correcting a malfunctioning cesspool. As you know, the cesspool is your home’s personalized waste water treatment facility that is prone to have many problems. One common dilemma is flooding. … Read more