Your septic system is a large part of your ecosystem. This is the wastewater treatment system that helps your family have a safe and healthy environment. Through the septic system, the toxins of the wastewater will be filtered out if the effluent before it is returned to the surrounding living environment. This is the reason why the septic system is a very important component of a home or establishment. Drain field safe household cleaners are a must to maintain a septic safe septic system.
The septic system is composed of the septic tank and the drain field. The septic tank is the vessel or containment of the wastewater that comes fresh out of your household. In this tank, three layers are formed. The scum layer is the topmost layer that contains the lightweight solid waste products. The effluent is the middle layer that is left clear of any solid waste as it enters the drain field. The sludge layer is the bottom layer where the solid particles in the wastewater settle. These solid particles are broken down by the anaerobic bacteria. The drain field is where the pre-treated effluent is dispersed to be filtered and purified. Here, the aerobic bacteria regulate the bio-mat that filters the effluent so that the pathogens and the contaminants will be stripped off it before it is used again in the environment.
The drain field is very vital in making sure that your household remains disease-free even if you produce and harbor wastewater within your property. You should make sure that the drain field receives the best possible care that you could provide. Like the septic tank, the drain field should also be maintained well by monthly treatment practices. You have already talked to you septic expert about the scheduled maintenance that you should observe. Of course a certain budget should be prepared and set aside for this endeavor if you want to have a smooth running system and a healthy environment. If the drain field malfunctions or fails, there will be wastewater backups into your home and onto your property. This is not going to be a very healthy consequence because of the hazardous sewage and toxic gases that will invade your property. You and your family would suffer greatly from any failure to fulfill your duty as a homeowner.
Your drain field is supposed to distribute the treated effluent into the surrounding environment. This is the final phase of your persona wastewater treatment facility. If something goes wrong in the septic tank, the drain field will surely be affected. This could be avoided by using drain field safe household cleaners. Giving much consideration to your drain field starts inside your home. You should see to it that you use drain field safe household cleaners. You should use your label-reading habit in choosing the best one for your home. Decades ago, homeowners used natural household cleaners that are absolutely safe for your drain field. Some such natural household cleaners are vinegar, lemon juice, and baking soda. Vinegar and lemon juice are both acids that could effectively remove stains and dirt on surfaces and clothes. Baking soda could also get rid of tough surface stains aside from its being a valuable baking ingredient. It could also be mixed with vinegar to clean drains before rinsing them with hot water.
With drain field safe household cleaners, you can be assured that your drain field and overall septic system will function smoothly for decades. This and the other necessary measures should be done for you to maintain a safe and healthy living ecosystem within your premises.