There were so many things that you knew you had to learn about. There were no males in your household so you had to play the part of your child’s father. It wasn’t easy because you also had to be handy. You couldn’t afford always calling on a utility guy every time you needed one. You also had to make sure that you know about the plumbing, drains, and the septic system. It was a good thing that you had internet connection to help you with all these things. It wasn’t a picnic to learn about technical stuff in the house. It would take time for you to really be familiarized with them but you are determined to do it. Of course, for starters, you had to have the septic professional’s help especially in maintaining the septic system.
That day was the scheduled inspection of your septic system. The septic professional arrived that mid-morning to show you and teach you the important parts of the septic system. You listened and watched attentively. The septic system has two important components—the septic tank and the drain field. The entire septic system depends on the performance and number of anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. To ensure that the septic system runs smoothly and efficiently, the scheduled pumping should be observed. Then, the household must cooperate in using the drains, sinks, and toilets properly. This can be done by not dumping non-biodegradable materials into them so that clogging can be avoided. If your budget could still handle it, your septic professional also suggested that a dry well be installed beside the septic tank to collect the grey water from the dishwasher and the washing machine. This would help lessen the water load that goes into the septic system. Less water load will enable the bacteria to breakdown the solid wastes faster and more efficiently. Next was making sure that safe septic additives should be administered monthly into your septic system.
Many commercial septic additives are recommended to be administered by homeowner so that the bacteria and the components of the septic system will be safe and intact. There are three type of septic additives that your septic professional suggested for your system—inorganic, organic, and biological. The inorganic additives are the harsh acids and bases that may possibly corrode the septic system components and be detrimental to you and to the environment. The organic additives such as yeast are said to significantly increase the amount of sludge in the septic tank and heavily clog the leach field as well. The biological septic additives are the most recommended additives to be used in septic treatments because non-pathological bacteria are used to improve the performance of the already existing bacteria in the septic system. This is a very safe type of septic additive because it has no harmful chemicals that you or the environment could acquire.
It seemed to be very overwhelming, but you got everything clearly. After the short talk, you scheduled a monthly administration of septic additives to make sure that your home remains clean and safe especially for your growing child.