There should only be two kinds of smells in the kitchen—soap and freshly prepared food. This is the sign that the one who cooks for the family thinks of the health and well-being of the people he or she prepares food for. But what is one fine day; you suddenly have odors coming from the kitchen sink? Oh you know that this is a major NO-NO. It has to be dealt with fast or your health and safety will be compromised.
It is almost like a switch turned on that when you smell something foul in the kitchen. It has to be eliminated immediately because this is where the food and drinks are prepared for the household. One small mistake and you will end up in the hospital. To find out the source of the disarming and irritating smells is vital primarily because of health. Odors comming from the kitchen sink tell you that there is definitely something wrong with your septic system.
The following are the possible causes of those fouls odors:
1. Lack of beneficial bacteria in the sink drain
The undesirable odors that come from your kitchen sink could indicate that there is a significant lack of beneficial bacteria in the pipeline. The bacteria that are naturally found in your drain die off and grease will clump up in the p- or s-trap of the pipelines and drain lines. These clumps start to smell and produce strong odors because of anti-bacterial products commonly used is households. When you turn on the faucet and water runs into your drains, the fats, oils and greases are loosened and rise with the water. This brings about the terrible odors. Beneficial bacteria should be added to a system on a regular basis to ensure digestion and a healthy kitchen sink.
2. Particles of food
You are very familiar with the smell of rotting food in the fridge, right? The same smell is given off by the bits of food that escaped the sink filter and goes down the drain. Even if you make sure that there are no big food particles left on the dishes before you wash them, minute pieces still remain. Of course, beneficial bacteria break them down, thereby decomposing food particles. If you have a garbage disposal unit installed, you may have larger food pieces trapped in the drain or in the disposal unit itself. You should maintain your garbage disposal unit to prevent the odors. Baking soda and vinegar can be used to get rid of the smell and after that, run lots of water through the drain to wash the loosened particles away.
3. Mildew and mold
Mildew and mold can also cause odors in your kitchen sink. These are formed along the drain edges, bases of fixtures, and faucets. Those sinks that you leave unused could grow mildew and mold in their drains. If this is the case, you should acquire the assistance of a professional because mold is a health hazard. If mold and mildew odore continue, we advise at you call a local mold and remediation company for further evaluation.
4. Wastewater backup
And then there is the backing up of wastewater in the sink drains that definitely gives off foul odors from the kitchen sink. This may be an indication that your septic system is failing (drain field flooding/failure, septic tank is full and unplumbed, large blockages). You should contact a septic professional to evaluate you system and pump if required.
This is not a matter that should be taken lightly. In extreme cases, household’s health and life threatening illnesses could be at stake.