To find out the facts that you needed, you had to talk to a septic expert. With that, you set an appointment with a local septic expert and asked to tag along in his work. The d-box lid was utterly an unknown term to you so you had to be filled in very well. The septic expert told you that the d-box is a very important component of the drain field system. This is also known as the distribution box. It helps to distribute the treated effluent in the soil absorption system and into the surrounding environment. This is the vital role of the d-box so it is important for you to know how this could be well-maintained or cared for.
Many homeowners have absolutely no idea where their entire septic system is. When you ask them to look for the d-box lid, it would probably be a next to impossible task. Usually, these homeowners just usually give up and rely completely on their septic experts. Since septic experts have other commitments to attend to, the d-box ends up inefficiently maintained. As a homeowner, you should make sure that you know the means to know the exact location and the depth of the d-box lid. This is part of your responsibility so this story would benefit you and your readers as well. Here are the steps emphasized by your septic expert to answer the question that echoes in the heads of septic tank owners in your area…How deep below the surface is my d-box lid?
1. Check installation records
You could do this by going to the office that released the permit for the construction of your septic system. If you get a copy of the installation records, you will be able to find the blueprint of your property that contains the exact location of your septic system, particularly the location of the d-box that is right in the area of the drain field. But take note that this may not be the right location of the d-box because there might have been adjustments and modifications made during the actual installation of the septic system. But this is one of the best ways to start looking for your d-box.
2. Field line location
When you locate the field lines, you should take note that this is a part of the yard that is not occupied by woody plants or shrubs. The grass and other smaller plants on it are lush, dark green, and lush. Just follow the dark green grass intersection. This would most probably be where the d-box is located. You could ask the guidance of your septic system. The d-box lid is usually installed about 2-4 feet below the ground.
3. Metal detector
You could rent or borrow a metal detector to help you find the d-box lid. Scan the ground where the dark green grass intersects. There will always be a metal component to the d-box so this could be easily scanned by the metal detector.
4. Pry bar
By slowly pushing the pry bar into the spot where you think the d-box is, you risk damage to the structure. It can be said that this is an invasive way to know how deep the d-box lid so this should be the last resort.
The d-box lid is about two to four feet below the surface. To avoid damage to the yard, ask your septic system expert to locate it.
This valuable information really helped you put together a practical guide to knowing how deep your d-box lid was. Surely many of your readers would be helped as well.