As you know, the raised mound system has perforated pipelines that are similar to those that are installed in the drainfield or leach field system. These lines permit the wastewater to pass through and enter downwards into the surrounding area that comprises the field of your mound. This field is equipped with enzymes and bacteria that play a role in determining the performance of the raised mound system. The bacteria breakdown the waste products and if your system has low bacterial population, the waste remains incompletely digested. When undigested residue remains, these fine substances may clog up the gravel and the soil in the mound system.
Why do raised mound systems smell? Well, when the bacterial population is lowered, the partially digested waste products give off distinct odors from the gas they produce. These smells rarely seep through the mound that is why you do not smell them that often. However, when the gas pressure reaches a certain high level, they are pushed up and out of the mound and back up into your house. There are also times when heavy rainfall can pour out floodwater onto your yard. This surface water will eventually penetrate the topsoil and into the mound system. If the solid wastes are not digested very well, the clogging will make your system hold in more water than it could and prevent the wastewater from being treated. This will result in the backing up of the wastewater and the odors into your house and yard. On occasion, you will experience wafting odors that pass in any type of septic system, including the raised mound system but there are ways to lessen this experience.
There are some things that you can do to prevent the frequency of the raised mound odors that you have. First, you can reduce the water that you use because this can affect the internal pressure that your raised mound has. You could cut your shower time and divide your laundry schedules so that the wash day won’t be too heavy a load on the system. Doing this will lessen the water load into your raised mound system and will give the bacteria enough time to act on the waste materials that reach them. Make sure that you also check your raised mound system for leaks. This can ensure that no untreated wastewater will go into unwanted places in your property and even contribute to the overflow of the system. This will also lessen the blow of the floodwater that settles in your yard and reaches your raised mound system which will allow you to have less expense in taking care of the components of the system. As a responsible homeowner, you should also choose household cleaning products that do not harm bacteria. There are several of them in the market already that do not compromise performance for being “green”. By being vigilant in your choice, you will be able to maintain the bacterial population that act as the main digesters of the raised mound system.
Consider the fact that your mound system is “alive” with bacteria and this living entity needs regular care and attention. Be sure to add in some beneficial additives that help you regain the bacterial population that the household cleaners have depleted significantly. These additives should contain high concentrate bacteria so by adding more bacteria into the system, you regain the balance in your raised mound digestive environment. Maintaining the system will dramatically reduce the raised mound smells that you get because of the improvement in the efficiency and rate of solid waste digestion.
For the most part, it is really up to you to make sure that your raised mound system is working efficiently. It is the only way you can prevent the odors from conquering your yard, your home, and your life.