Just recently, you just had your new home’s construction finished. It was on the land that you have long bought with your fiancé. The construction of your home was just in time for your next month’s wedding. It was you and your fiancé’s dream home design, too. It was a perfect piece and future legacy that you could leave your children. You made sure that the design was timeless but contemporary at the same time. You didn’t want to overwhelm it with too much highly technological equipment. This was proven by the intricate designs on the cabinets and other fixtures.
Before everything else was finalized, you decided to spend a few nights in the house. You took advantage of the opportunity to insert a piece of your personality within your new home’s walls. This was also an opportunity for you to look at everything that you should be aware from then on. One of these important elements is your newly installed cesspit. You knew that this should be cared for and maintained on a regular basis but you just don’t know how often. You asked your septic professional how often should I inspect my cesspit.
The cesspit is much like the septic system that collects the wastewater from your household. The cesspit collects it and in there, the wastewater settles. The solid particles are degraded by the anaerobic bacteria at the bottom. Then, the much clearer effluent is dispersed into the drain field that surrounds the tank, where it will undergo further purification. This is done before the treated wastewater goes back to the surrounding environment. So you see, it is very easy to understand why the cesspit has to be inspected. It is recommended that the cesspit be inspected on an annual basis.
An annual inspection should be done so that the level of sludge can be monitored. You would have to open the cesspit lid and use a measuring stick to see if the sludge is still manageable. The amount of sludge depends on the amount of solid wastes that enter the cesspit. If you happen to have a garbage disposal unit, it is most probable that you would have to pump out your cesspit more frequently. There are safe ways to clean and pump out your cesspit. This can be scheduled with your septic professional. The cesspit inspection can be done on your own but if you’re a bit uncomfortable doing it, you could just have your septic expert do it for you as well.
Your cesspit is technically a living being that needs regular maintenance. You asked your septic professional how often should I inspect my cesspit. If you do this, your cesspit will be of service for years to come. If ever you discover that your installed cesspit is having a hard time accommodating the wastewater and the grey water at the same time, you could have your septic professional to install a dry well for the grey water. Having a dry well will help your cesspit last longer because the water load will be less.
The septic professional also told you that it would be better for your cesspit to have the annual inspection so that you may also be aware of any minimal repairs that any of the components has to have. Updates about the latest safe treatments for your cesspits would also be made known to you if inspection is this frequent. Any landscaping obstacles would then be adjusted well so that you can be sure that the absorption field will be well-maintained as well. Remember to asked your septic professional how often should I inspect my cesspit.
It is important for you to keep the cesspit system running smoothly so that you and your future family won’t experience any foul backups and odors produced from a failed cesspit.