Septic Field Root Clogs

Image of tree roots invading a drainfield.

Septic field root clogs can be a homeowner biggest nightmare. Septic tanks and drain fields will require periodic inspection from time to time. There is a misconception that septic systems and septic fields are maintenance free. This could not be further from the truth. Septic systems require periodic inspection and maintenance in an attempt to keep the system free of roots and operating at peak performance. Tree root in a … Read more

Best Septic Tank Treatments and Additives

Best septic tank treatments and additives is the subject of this post. We will try to explain the difference when shopping for septic tank treatments and the different additives on the market today. There are so many products on the market, where do you go to find the best one? First you must ensure the product you are buying is a bacteria and not an enzyme. We are not going … Read more

Septic System Odor Problems

Image of a woman experiencing septic system odor problems.

Septic system odor problems have plague home owners across America for years. Maintaining a septic system controlling odor problems will depend on the capacity of the septic system, the amount of waste water and the volume of solids flowing into the system on a daily basis. Septic system odor problems can be controlled by limiting what you put into your septic system. Paints thinners, motor oil, solid food from a … Read more

Problems With A Septic Tank

Image of a septic tank with problems.

Problems with a septic tank will usually result from lack of coli form bacteria in the septic system. The presents of coli form bacteria in a septic tank is essential in achieving the proper digestion process. The digestion process is the ability of a septic tank to digest and breakdown waste water and solids into water and carbon dioxide generated by our homes. The lack of bacteria in a septic … Read more

Septic Tank Problems

Image of a septic tank woth problems.

Septic tank problems are something that can be avoided with regular inspection and proper septic tank maintenance. Commercial grade bacterial additives used on a monthly basis can be a great way to reduce sludge and minimizing bio mat build up in the drain field. Septic tank problems occur when NON septic safe products are introduced into the septic system. Anti bacterial hand soaps, cleaners and toxic household chemicals are all … Read more

Septic Tank Maintenance

Image of a septic tank undergoing maintenance.

Septic tank maintenance should be preformed on a regular basic to ensure the maximum effectiveness of your septic tank and drain field. There is a wide spread misconception that septic systems are maintenance free. This could not be further from the truth. When septic system maintenance is performed on a regular basis, septic systems can be substantially more cost effective when compared to city sewer hookup. Maintaining a septic system … Read more

How To Clean a Drain Field?

How to clean a drain filed? Cleaning a septic tank drain field is the phrase usually associated with the inserting a high pressure spray washer into the drain field as a method of cleaning out access sludge and non digested waste. Reverse spray water nozzle head is attached to the end of the spray head. The line is inserted into the drain field. The water pressure is then turned on … Read more

Septic Clogs

Image of a clogged septic.

Septic clogs, diagnosing the cause of system failure and what to do when septic systems backup is the subject of this post. Septic clogs are part of living with indoor plumbing. It’s worth the effort when you consider going outside to use the outhouse in February. Yes, indoor plumbing is one of mans greatest achievements until the system backs up and out onto the floor. Septic systems clog up for … Read more

Septic Tank Pump Outs

Septic tank pump outs are necessary for any home owner utilizing a septic tank and drain field as the onsite waste water treatment system. There are several indicators a septic tank may require a pump out. Indications can range from septic odors emitting from the system to wet spots in the yard. Sludge build up can clog the system causing toilets to make gurgling sounds and in a worst case … Read more

Best Septic Tank Treatment

Image of a professional pumping a septic tank.

Best septic tank treatment is a claim that most manufactures are willing to make. Obviously, they all can’t be the best septic tank treatment. The only way to be sure is to do the research yourself. Septic tank treatments are a great way to maintain your septic system when used properly. Septic tank treatments reduce sludge, odors and frequency of pump outs. In an attempt to find the best septic … Read more