Cafeteria grease trap maintenance

Image of cafeteria grease trap maintenance.

This article will cover cafeteria grease trap maintenance. Professionals and students spend ninety percent of their waking hours at work or at school. It’s already a given that their meals are supposed to be taken in these venues to save time, save money, and increase productivity. A cafeteria’s responsibility is to keep warm meals flowing and as much as possible, new dishes should be prepared to keep everyone’s interest. As … Read more

Municipal grease trap reduction

Image of municipal grease trap reduction.

This article will focus on municipal grease trap reduction. Industrialization has brought out the best in man. Centuries of improvement have made it possible for many industries to be improved. Products and services have changed the way people looked at the world in so many ways. One of the biggest areas given attention to is the food business. Food is ever-present. Everywhere you go, people eat and it’s a given … Read more

What is the cost to clean a grease trap?

Image of a professional grease trap cleaner.

This article will cover the common question of what is the cost to clean a grease trap. Americans love to eat. In every small corner, you will find a snack shop, deli, diner, hotdog stand, ice cream stand, burger stand, or pizza restaurant. Their food preferences have become diverse because of the various cultures that have reached the country—Japanese, Indian, Mediterranean, Caribbean, Filipino, Australian, Canadian, and Greek, among others. This … Read more

Using enzymes to break down grease

Image of grease trap cleaning using enzymes.

This article will cover using enzymes to break down grease. It’s a form of lubrication that’s viscous and generally beneficial to the machine operations of many industries. Grease helps gears work well and seals vessels to make them water-tight. Like any other invention, this semi-solid substance was meant to be of great use to man. But because of the high level of industrialization, grease has become a very detrimental by-product … Read more

Food processing plant grease trap chemicals

Image of cleaning chemicals being administered into a food processing grease trap.

This article will discuss food processing plant grease trap chemicals. It’s a known fact that chemicals make up every living and non-living matter in this planet. Inorganic and organic chemicals make it possible for everything to exist. But not all chemicals are supposed to be applied on certain places because they just make things even worse. One example is the struggle against the FOG (fats, oils, grease) crisis in the … Read more

Government housing grease trap cleaner

Image of a government housing grease trap cleaner.

This article will cover government housing grease trap cleaner products. It may seem ironic that a government housing facility is now one of the major causes of FOG (fats, oils, grease) overflow in the United States. The US federal government is determined to place every family in a home that they could afford. This is why they have constructed various formats of government housing facilities. The most common format is … Read more

Food processing plant grease removal

Image of a new method of food processing plant grease removal.

This article will cover food processing plant grease removal. Food processing is an important industry because it transforms raw materials into edible products.  The crops and animal products that are gathered undergo a system wherein they are made into much more marketable forms. Through food processing, many microorganisms are eliminated, preservatives are mixed in, and shelf lives are extended. The finished products are called processed foods that come in sealed … Read more

Shopping mall grease trap cleaner

This article will cover shopping mall grease trap cleaner. Every entrepreneur is aware of the current trends. Businessmen look into what attracts consumers on a daily basis so that they could provide the demanded wants or needs. If they give what their customers are looking for, then business is going to be good for a very long time. Shopping malls are business establishments. When people wanted a place where they … Read more

Government housing grease removal

Image of removing grease from a government housing's grease trap.

This article will cover government housing grease removal. Due to the large increase in the number of people who need decent places to live in but could not afford them on their own, the US government has devised various housing projects that aim to help. Housing that is subsidized by the federal government has branched out into different formats and different settings. The most common housing projects provided are the … Read more

Office complex grease removal

Image of an office complex grease removal.

This article will cover office complex grease removal. Contemporary offices are not just cubicles and desks anymore. They are more of second homes to millions of professionals who spend more than the usual nine hours at work. Because employees stay in the work environment almost the entire day, administrators have thought of bringing their home and the outside world into their offices, making it an office complex. An office complex … Read more